Personal Data Protection Policy

This website and its services (henceforth referred to as “the Service”) are operated and managed by Aoyama Tatemono Chosa Co., Ltd. (henceforth referred to as “the Company”), and the Company is dedicated to managing and protecting users’ personal data in accordance with the privacy policy set out herein (henceforth referred to as “the Privacy Policy”).

1. Personal Information

“Personal information” refers to any personal information under Japan’s Personal Information Protection Law, information pertaining to existing individuals, including names, dates of birth, addresses, telephone numbers, contact details, and any other information that may identify an individual such as data that utilises appearances, fingerprint, voice signature, and/or insurance policy numbers as stated on insurance policy documents etc.

2. Acquisition of Personal Information

At the time of users’ use and registration of the Service, the Company may request personal information such as names, dates of birth, addresses, telephone numbers, email address, bank account details, credit card details, driver’s licence numbers etc. We may also collect transaction records and payment information, including personal information, between users and the Company partners, including information providers, advertisers, advertisement distributors, etc (henceforth referred to as “Partners”) and other parties.

3. Collection and Use of Personal Information

The following are ways in which the Company may collect and use personal information.

  • (1) To offer and provide information about our products, services, promotions, updates and email newsletters handled by the Company.
  • (2) To respond to customer inquiries (including confirmation of identity).
  • (3) To improve and develop new services.
  • (4) To notify of maintenance or other important information, as required.
  • (5) To deal with users violating the terms of service.
  • (6) To enable users themselves to modify or delete the services they use or to confirm their usage status.
  • (7) To bill users for paid services to view the status of their use of the service.

4. Revisions to Intention of Use

Taking all possible measures to protect personal information, the policy above may be revised accordingly to reflect appropriate business practices. In the event that this policy is revised, the Company will inform users of the changes in a prescribed manner or publicised on the Company’s website.

5. Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties

The Company does not provide personal information to third parties without the prior consent of the users, except in cases permitted under the Personal Information Protection Law and other laws and regulations.

  • (1) When there is a need to protect the life, body or property of a person, it would be difficult to obtain the consent of the relevant person.
  • (2) When there is a particular need to improve public health or promote the healthy development of children, it would be difficult to obtain the relevant person’s consent.
  • (3) When it is necessary to cooperate with a government organisation, local government body or individual entrusted by such entities in performing duties prescribed by laws and regulations, and there is a risk that obtaining the consent of the relevant person would interfere with the performance of said duties.
  • (4) The following items shall be notified or announced in advance, and when the Company has notified the Personal Information Protection Committee:
    • a. The purpose of use for provision to a third party
    • b. The items of data to be provided to the third party
    • c. The means or method of provision to the third party
    • d. That the provision of personal information to a third party is discontinued at the request of the person in question.
    • e. Notwithstanding the previous item pertaining to the method of obtaining such request, in the following cases, the party to whom the information is provided shall not fall under the category of third party:
      • i. When the handling of personal information, in part or in full, is consigned to fulfil the purpose of use, within the scope of necessity.
      • ii. When information is provided in cases of mergers or other reasons pertaining to the continuation or succession of the Company.
      • iii. In cases of shared use of personal information with a specific consignee,
        • · The items of personal information shared
        • · The scope of shared use
        • · The purpose of use by the consignee
        • · The name of the person responsible for managing the personal information shall be notified in advance or made readily available to the person to whom the information pertains.

6. Disclosure of Personal Information

The Company will, without delay, disclose personal information to the individual to which the information pertains. Notwithstanding, if any of the following conditions apply, the information may not be disclosed, either in part or in full. Should this be the case, a notice of this decision shall be made without delay. Should a disclosure request be made, a fee of 1,000 JPY is applicable for each request.

  • (1) If there is a risk of harm to the person to which the information pertains (or third party), their life, body, assets and/or any rights and interests.
  • (2) If there is a risk of a significant hindrance to the proper conduct of the Company’s business.
  • (3) In case of violation of other laws and regulations, notwithstanding the preceding items, the Company will not disclose any information other than personal information, such as historical information and characteristic information, as a general rule.

7. Amendment or Deletion of Personal Information

In the case of errors in personal information the Company holds of an individual, the Company can respond to requests to make corrections, additions or deletions (henceforth referred to as “Amendments”) in accordance with the Company’s prescribed procedures. Upon receipt of a request for Amendments, the Company shall, if deemed necessary, respond to the request without delay. The Company shall, without delay, notify the user of Amendments made, or if applicable, the decision to not fulfil the request for Amendments.

8. Cessation of Use of Personal Information

If a request is made to cease the use of personal information or to erase such information (henceforth referred to as “Cessation”) on the grounds that the information has been handled beyond the scope of the purpose of the use or that the information was obtained by wrongful means, the Company will conduct the necessary investigations without delay. If, based on the results of the investigation, we determine that it is necessary to comply with the request, the Company will cease the use of the relevant personal information without delay. In the event of Cessation, based on the provisions of the preceding, or in the event of a decision to not comply with the request for Cessation, the Company shall notify the user of such decision without delay.
Notwithstanding the preceding two clauses, in cases where alternative measures are necessary to protect the rights and interests of the user, such as when the Cessation involves large costs or when Cessation may cause difficulties, such alternative measures shall be taken.

9. Revision of Privacy Policy

The contents of this Privacy Policy may be changed without notice to the users, except as otherwise provided in laws and regulations or this Privacy Policy. Unless otherwise specified by the Company, the revised Privacy Policy shall take effect from the time it is posted on this website.

10. Enquiries Regarding Privacy Policy

For enquiries regarding this Privacy Policy, please use the following contact point.
Representative Director: Masaki Tabata
Company name: Aoyama Tatemono Chosa Co,. Ltd.
Address: 8F, Kyouei Misakicho Building, 3-2-9 Misakicho, Kanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0061

11. Precedence of the Japanese Version of the Privacy Policy

The Japanese version of this Privacy Policy shall be the original, and in the event of any discrepancies in the interpretation of the policy between the English and Japanese versions, the original Japanese version shall take precedence.

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